3 Easy Tips to Save Energy This Fall

4 Easy Tips to Save Energy This Fall 

For most people the cool autumn weather is finally here! Sweaters, scarves and heaters are all a part of this beautiful, color-changing season. While it might seem like summer has sucked all of the energy out of our homes, fall certainly uses up its own resources. Knowing how to conserve energy and remain energy efficient during the fall is very important.

Here are 3 Easy Tips to Save Energy This Fall.

1. Watch the weather – Fall often brings some hot days and some cold days as nature decides which season it’s really in. Plan for these days by checking the weather, as many people find themselves running their heaters or air conditioning units on days they really don’t need to be. If you think the temperature is going to be bearable, turn these appliances off altogether.

2. Check your filters – Pretty much all HVAC systems use some sort of filters, and these can get dirty and clogged. If this happens, you’re likely going to use a lot of energy and get very little results. Checking these filters and replacing them before you need to turn your heater on is the perfect way to prepare your home for the colder weather that’s to come.

3. Use windows – Fall is the perfect time to use windows. On most days, it’s not too hot and not too cold – so there’s no need for heaters or air conditioners should you use your windows properly. Even if it’s too cold to leave windows open, you can leave shades and blinds open when the sun is out to naturally warm up your home.

4 Easy Tips to Save Energy This Fall 

Fall is a beautiful time of year and many find themselves outdoors more then than in summer. It’s important to consider the way you use energy for all of the same reasons we do so during the other months of the year. Not only does it save us money and keep us comfortable, it significantly helps out the earth.

Take these 3 Easy Tips to Save Energy This Fall and -hopefully- the cooler weather. You’ve earned it.

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