The world is ever changing and there are thousands of new career paths for one to take. With an increased emphasis on going green, the opportunities for green careers has skyrocketed. Whether you’re considering changing your career focus or starting your professional journey, there are many different areas you can specialize in. National Geographic has put together a substantial list of the fastest growing green jobs and here we’re going to take a look at some of them.
1. Clean Car Engineers – Transportation is one of the most highly regarded factors when it comes to climate change and energy efficiency and conservation. With the growing need for electric and hybrid vehicles, so comes the need for the engineers that design and build them.
2. Green Builders – The need for shelter in third world countries has been present for decades, but recently the gears have shifted toward more sustainable building. Recycled garbage is now being used to build schools and other buildings that are sturdy and safe.
3. Urban Growers – Urban farming has taken off, and rightfully so. Not only is this a way for people in large cities to get local, home-grown foods, it’s minimizing the use of pesticides and limiting the transportation and fuel needed to get food to its eaters.
4. Water Quality Technicians – Water quality control needs creative solutions and with that comes the need for creative people. Poor water quality is a concern around the globe, and while solutions are still being tested, the need to test and control the quality is great.
5. Natural Scientists – The more sustainable we become, the more we need to understand about the world around us. Scientists are needed to evaluate how our environment is being impacted so that we know we’re making the right choices. We depend greatly on limited resources that the planet provides, so monitoring those resources is essential as well.
There are many more places you can take a green career; enough to keep anyone in any industry satisfied. More emphasis is needed on the benefits of choosing a green career, as these professionals are the forefront of our environmental sustainability.
For more information about green careers, visit National Geographic’s article here (