Saving Energy as Summer Turns to Fall
It’s hard to believe, but colder temperatures are right around the corner. Now is the time to transition your home from Summer to Fall, and that means doing what you can to conserve and save on energy as the weather turns chilly.
Thankfully, you can still soak up the last bit of summer even as the air gets cooler. As a result, you’ll be using less energy and end up paying less on your electric bill!
Keep these tips in mind to make a smooth transition to the next season, and reduce your environmental impact in the process.
Soak Up the Sun
As the seasons change, it can feel like a permacloud sets in. Save on energy during these last few weeks of extended sunlight by letting it into your house as much as possible. Even if it gets cold outside, the sun can help to heat your home so you don’t have to crank up the thermostat.
Open the curtains during the day, and close them at night to help lock in the heat.
Find Leaks
Now is the perfect time to find any air leaks in your house and seal them up. This is something you can do at the end of every summer to prepare your home (and furnace!) for colder weather.
Common areas for air leaks include:
- Unfinished spaces
- Around chimneys
- Utility cut-throughs for pipes
You know your home better than anyone. Think about where any gaps might occur and where any cold air could leak in. Taking a few minutes to patch up these leaks before cold weather hits can make a big difference.
Get Your Furnace Serviced
Along with doing your own home checks at the end of every summer, it’s the perfect time to get your furnace serviced. Even if it seems to be running well, it may not be running as efficiently as it should. An inefficient furnace has to run more, use more energy, and it will cost you more money!
By giving your furnace a tune-up before winter rolls around, you’ll ensure it’s in top shape and will keep you warm all season while running efficiently.
Lower Your Thermostat
Did you know that for every degree you lower your thermostat, you can save 2% on your heating bill? Think about how much energy that’s saving along the way! We all like to be cozy and warm as the weather gets colder, but consider how many degrees you can actually “spare.” Even a few degrees cooler can make a big difference.
Cover Your Windows
Check for any drafty windows around your house, and make sure they’re properly sealed to keep cold air from coming in. Clear plastic tape works very well to seal up any leaks. You can double up by installing insulated drapes or curtains. These help to keep cold air out and keep warm air from escaping.
There are also specific window covers that can be purchased at your local hardware store, if you feel your windows are exceptionally-drafty.
The good news? They’re relatively inexpensive and easy to install.
As you can see, it’s not difficult to get your home ready for the changing seasons. With a few adjustments and tune-ups, you can continue to save energy all year round.