Little Things That Can Make A Big Difference in Making Your Life Greener

Little Things That Can Make A Big Difference in Making Your Life Greener

Sometimes, hearing the phrase “going green” can go right over our heads. It sounds like a buzzword, or something marketers use to get us to recycle more. While there isn’t anything wrong with that, this phrase can be easily ignored nowadays because it’s become so overused.   When we think about “going green,” we often…

Saving Water is a Family Effort – How to Get Everyone Involved

Saving Water is a Family Effort – How to Get Everyone Involved

Did you know that the average American family uses about 400 gallons of water each day? We’ve covered some tips in the past on how to save water at home. But, it really is a family effort. If everyone in your family made one different choice each day that conserved water, think about how many…

Heading Back to School? How to Save Water During Your Daily Routine

Heading Back to School? How to Save Water During Your Daily Routine

All across the country, kids of all ages are heading back to school. Some have even already started! If you haven’t already implemented some water-saving techniques in your home during the summer, back to school time is a great opportunity to ‘start fresh.’ Most kids have a routine they develop when they go to school….

Could Craft Breweries Help Lead the Way in Water Conservation?

Could Craft Breweries Help Lead the Way in Water Conservation?

Could having a glass of your favorite local brew actually have a positive impact on the environment? Before you head off to happy hour, let’s dive a little deeper into this new revelation. It seems like craft breweries are popping up in droves all over the country. In fact, there are over 5,000 independently-run breweries…