How to Conserve Water in Your Garden This Spring

Spring has finally sprung, and for a lot of people, that means planting beautiful gardens. Whether you’re more of a ‘stop and smell the flowers’ kind of person, or you like the gratification of a rich vegetable garden, you know how important it is to care for your plants on a daily basis. Of course, that involves regularly watering them.

Gardens probably aren’t the first thing we think about when it comes to saving water. But, there are a lot of little things you can do to conserve water, and keep your garden growing and thriving all Spring and Summer long. Let’s take a look at some of the easiest ways to get started, so you can put these tips into place as soon as you start your Spring planting.

Add a Layer of Mulch


Mulch can add a decorative look to your garden, but it actually works to slow the evaporation of water. Just 2-3 inches of mulch on top of your soil will help the soil itself retain moisture longer, meaning you’ll need to water less often. As a bonus, mulching over your soil will also reduce the number of weeds that poke through!

Water at the Right Time


Most people water their gardens when it’s most convenient. Maybe you have a certain time of day you like to turn on the hose or sprinkler. Or, maybe you just water everything when you get a bit of extra time. If you’re able to, try watering your in-ground plants in the morning, and potted plants in the afternoon. Not only will this lead to healthier plants, but you’ll reduce the amount of water evaporation, meaning you won’t need to water as often.

Choose the Right Plants

Mary & Joe Bochiochio  Native  Garden

It can be tempting to buy flowers that will look great, even if they aren’t native to your area. Unfortunately, those flowers require a lot more attention and care. As a result, you’ll probably be watering them more. Native plants require less care and can hold up well to the natural environment you live in. You won’t likely have to water them as much in order for them to thrive. If you’re unsure about which native plants would look the best, ask an employee at your local garden center! Not only will you use less water, but it won’t take as much work to have a beautiful, colorful garden.

Collect Rainwater


Implementing a rain barrel is a great way to make the most out of what Mother Nature gives you. You can choose to install a complex rain collection system if you plan on using the water for other things. But, a simple rain barrel and a filter to get rid of any debris is suitable for watering your garden plants, flowers, and veggies. Even a few extra gallons here and there can save you money and reduce water waste from a hose.

As you can see, these are simple tips that don’t take a lot of time or effort to put into place. The time to get started is now, before your Spring garden is in full bloom. Once you start using helpful practices like these, you won’t have to think twice about saving water through your garden every season.

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