Little Things That Can Make A Big Difference in Making Your Life Greener

Little Things That Can Make A Big Difference in Making Your Life Greener

Sometimes, hearing the phrase “going green” can go right over our heads. It sounds like a buzzword, or something marketers use to get us to recycle more. While there isn’t anything wrong with that, this phrase can be easily ignored nowadays because it’s become so overused.   When we think about “going green,” we often…

Business Benefits of Saving Water – How Water Conservation Can Help Your Company

Business Benefits of Saving Water – How Water Conservation Can Help Your Company

Conservation (saving water, in particular) actually can have many benefits for the business itself. So, whatever you’re doing to give back to the planet can come back to the success of your company.
Let’s take a look at a few simple, yet impactful ways saving water can benefit your business.

Changing What You Eat Could Save Water

Changing What You Eat Could Save Water

We all know that a diet rich in whole grains, lean meats, fruits, and vegetables is one of the best things we can do to ensure better overall health.

After all, you are what you eat, right? But, a well-balanced diet may actually do more than just keep you healthy.

By making a few changes to your daily diet, you can actually have an impact on your ‘water footprint.’

What’s the Real Deal with Energy Star Appliances?

What’s the Real Deal with Energy Star Appliances?

  We all have appliances in our homes. From the refrigerator to the washing machine, big and small appliances are used every day. Because of their convenience, electrical appliances make up about 30% of our energy bills each month. Energy Star appliances were first introduced in 1992. The Energy Star symbol is a government-backed label…

How Do Students Learn Best?

How Do Students Learn Best?

There is no ‘one size fits all’ educational system for students. Studies have shown for years that every student learns differently. Some kids are more hands-on learners. Others are great with technology. Some prefer taking tests while others excel in writing papers. Unfortunately, many educational programs still implement borders that can restrict a student from…