Saving Water is a Family Effort – How to Get Everyone Involved

Saving Water is a Family Effort – How to Get Everyone Involved

Did you know that the average American family uses about 400 gallons of water each day? We’ve covered some tips in the past on how to save water at home. But, it really is a family effort. If everyone in your family made one different choice each day that conserved water, think about how many…

Could Craft Breweries Help Lead the Way in Water Conservation?

Could Craft Breweries Help Lead the Way in Water Conservation?

Could having a glass of your favorite local brew actually have a positive impact on the environment? Before you head off to happy hour, let’s dive a little deeper into this new revelation. It seems like craft breweries are popping up in droves all over the country. In fact, there are over 5,000 independently-run breweries…

How Do Students Learn Best?

How Do Students Learn Best?

There is no ‘one size fits all’ educational system for students. Studies have shown for years that every student learns differently. Some kids are more hands-on learners. Others are great with technology. Some prefer taking tests while others excel in writing papers. Unfortunately, many educational programs still implement borders that can restrict a student from…

Do Natural Disasters Contaminate Our Water Supply?

Do Natural Disasters Contaminate Our Water Supply?

Natural disasters can be terrifying and harrowing experiences for the people involved, in more ways than one. What we don’t often think about, though, is how the aftermath of these disasters can continue to affect people. One of the major after-effects of things like earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes is damage to water wells. In…