There is no ‘one size fits all’ educational system for students. Studies have shown for years that every student learns differently. Some kids are more hands-on learners. Others are great with technology. Some prefer taking tests while others excel in writing papers. Unfortunately, many educational programs still implement borders that can restrict a student from reaching their full learning capacity.

Energy education programs are becoming increasingly popular and important with students of all ages. At Tinker, we know that reaching as many students as possible with this information is imperative for the wellbeing of our planet and our future. That’s why we believe in individualized, customized learning.

The Tinker Advantage

The Modern Student

We’re currently working with Generation Z. They are poised to be the smartest, most advanced, earth-changing generation we’ve ever seen. This is due not only to advancements in technology but because they learn differently than other generations and are being given the tools necessary to grow. They are building a better future for all of us.

So, current program models with any types of barriers just don’t work anymore. As a utility company, implementing Tinker’s solution for learning allows each student to grow and become educated on energy and water use in their own way. Plus, with a dashboard that tracks everything, you can see the success rate in real-time.

Different Learning Styles


Unfortunately, many people (including some educators) still haven’t jumped on board with the idea that different learning styles can be beneficial. Many ‘old methods’ and models of learning test well, and they show success. So, why fix what’s not broken?

There’s a simple answer to that: If we continue down the path of using the same method for every child, we’re restricting certain learners. Who knows what they might be able to accomplish if they were given a different opportunity – a learning style catered specifically to them?learningstyles_

If you’ve never considered the fact that there are multiple learning styles, let’s cover a few. You may know some children or young adults who seem to fall into these styles. It’s not just a coincidence.

Implementing programs that focus on all these styles can make a huge difference in the response from students:

  • Visual learners
  • Verbal/linguistic
  • Aural
  • Social
  • Physical
  • Solitary

As you can see, there are many different categories for how a child learns. What’s even clearer is how different they all are. So, it simply isn’t fair to try boxing education into one or two of these categories, no matter what the subject matter may be. When we do that, we’re catering to a handful of students and essentially ignoring the learning needs of others. Unfortunately, that means the children who don’t thrive with those specific learning tactics can’t reach their full potential.

Putting walls around our young people when it comes to education will only make for a stifled future. Letting the youth of today learn on their own accord will give them no limits. In turn, they will be the influencers that truly change the world.