Conserving energy at home is a great start. It’s a perfect way to show your kids how important conservation is, and can develop responsible habits for a lifetime. But, home is only half of it! Kids spend a good portion of their days in school, and if steps aren’t being taken in our educational facilities to conserve energy, we’re going to be fighting a losing battle.

Whether you work in a school or you’re a parent on a mission, it’s never a bad idea to suggest these energy-saving solutions. Kids will love being a part of it, and you can get the entire community involved. Turning your school into a more ‘green’ school can make a big difference, so let’s look at some helpful tips you can use immediately.

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  1. Put Down the Devices

Many schools allow personal tablet and laptop use during the day. During breaks, students are quick to pull out their smart phones. While these devices don’t necessarily use up a lot of energy when they aren’t plugged in, using them frequently will also require frequent charging. That adds up pretty quickly when you consider how many kids are using these devices on a daily basis.

Encourage your child’s school to turn off devices and remove from chargers when not in use and fully charged to save on energy. 

  1. Turn Off the Lights

Sometimes, every light in a school building will be turned on in the morning, and won’t get turned off until a custodian is done cleaning for the night. Some of these rooms hardly get used throughout the day. You wouldn’t leave on every light at home during the day, so why should a school building be any different? If you’re an employee of the school, always be sure to turn your room’s light off when it’s not in use, and do the same for any room you see not being used.

  1. Close the Door

Older schools can have a difficult time with temperature, depending on the season. During the winter or early summer months, it can be hard to concentrate on much of anything except finding a comfortable temperature for staff and students.

But, instead of requiring the schools HVAC system to go into overdrive, keep doors closed whenever possible. When you close a door to a classroom, you have better control of the climate within that room. Opening the door eliminates that control and lets air or heat escape, essentially wasting it and causing the system to work harder.

It’s easy to forget about the energy that’s wasted in our school systems across the country, but if we’re able to cut down on that waste, it can make a big difference. If you work in a school, you can implement these tips yourself. If you’re a concerned parent, bring up these suggestions at a school board meeting, or with your children’s teachers. Every little bit can help, and it will show your children once again just how important it is to save energy no matter where they are.