5 Drought Resistant Plants You Need In Your Yard

With a drought taking place in a large section of the globe, cutting down on water usage is essential. That said, nobody really wants to give up maintaining their yards. Water conservation is important, but dead grass isn’t exactly the result everyone is looking for. If you’re making changes to your yard to better suit the drought’s resources, consider these drought resistant plants. You’ll have an exceptional looking yard and an easier, more water-friendly time caring for them.

#1 – Lewisia cotyledon ‘Sunset Strain’

Image source: song zhen via Flickr

This beautiful blooming plant does very well in rock gardens, but needs adequate drainage. It’s foliage is evergreen and it reaches about 1 foot high and 10 inches wide. With its gorgeous flowers, it’ll be sure to draw attention.

#2 – Sedum spathulifolium, Cape Blanco

Image source: FarOutFlora via Flickr

If you’re looking for excellent ground cover, this low-growing plant is the right choice. Little blue-green leaves form on stems and create a lovely addition to any garden.

#3 – Lavandula multifida

Image source: Dorte via Flickr

This Mediterranean shrub has a lot to offer with its long blades and beautiful violet blooms. Reaching 3 feet wide and nearly half as tall, they bloom from spring to fall and are an excellent choice for drought resistant foliage.

#4 – Sedum spurium, Voodoo

Image source: jacki-dee via Flickr

This burgundy plant makes a gorgeous addition to any garden. Excellent for ground cover, this is a low-growing, fast-spreading succulent with tiny red flowers that bloom throughout summer.

#5 – Libertia peregrinans

Image source: Megan Hansen via Flickr

Coming from New Zealand, this iris relation offers some exceptional color to any garden. With stiff, bright orange blades, it stands about 2 feet tall and 1 foot wide. Clusters of white flowers bloom in spring and summer.


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