What’s the Real Deal with Energy Star Appliances?

What’s the Real Deal with Energy Star Appliances?

  We all have appliances in our homes. From the refrigerator to the washing machine, big and small appliances are used every day. Because of their convenience, electrical appliances make up about 30% of our energy bills each month. Energy Star appliances were...
Super Simple Summer Water Saving Projects for Kids

Super Simple Summer Water Saving Projects for Kids

The official start of summer is just around the corner. All over the country, most kids are finally out of school, and ready to start their vacation. Summer is a great time for kids to learn new things that they might not otherwise learn in a classroom. Plus, keeping...
How Do Students Learn Best?

How Do Students Learn Best?

There is no ‘one size fits all’ educational system for students. Studies have shown for years that every student learns differently. Some kids are more hands-on learners. Others are great with technology. Some prefer taking tests while others excel in...
5 Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill This Summer

5 Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill This Summer

It seems like the last remnants of cold winter weather are finally behind us. Warm weather means fun in the sun, trips to the beach, and unfortunately, it can also mean a higher electric bill for some people. Spring and summer don’t have to be such a burden on...