What is Tinker Programs, and How is It Different?

What is Tinker Programs, and How is It Different?

By now, you’ve probably done a bit of browsing around our website. Maybe you’ve even read some of our blogs on energy and water conservation. But, the more you know about who Tinker actually is, the better. We’re proud of what we do, and we want as many students,...
3 Tips for Teaching Your Children About Conservation

3 Tips for Teaching Your Children About Conservation

 There has never been a more crucial time to educate the next generation on the impact they can have on the planet. When it comes to the health and sustainability of humanity in general, our kids will be the ones who make the difference. So, teaching them about the...
How Do Students Learn Best?

How Do Students Learn Best?

There is no ‘one size fits all’ educational system for students. Studies have shown for years that every student learns differently. Some kids are more hands-on learners. Others are great with technology. Some prefer taking tests while others excel in...

Renewable Energy vs Energy Efficiency

Many new to energy efficiency often confuse what is actually energy efficiency and what isn’t. One of the most common misconceptions is that solar panels are a form of energy efficiency or energy conservation. They aren’t. They use a renewable energy source,...